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INI File  |  2009-03-11  |  6KB  |  133 lines

  1. [TITLE]
  2. title                        = "TP-LINK Setup Wizard"
  3. [ICON]
  4. frmicon                     = "image\logo.ico" 
  5. handicon                    = "image\hand.cur"
  6. [FRM_TOP]
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  24. btn1_type0_item0.inpic     = "image\Drivervt_in.png"
  25. btn1_type0_item0.outpic    = "image\Drivervt_out.png"
  26. btn1_type0_item0.link      = "TL-WN310G\Vista\Setup.exe"
  27. btn1_type0_item1.inpic     = "image\Driver2k_in.png"
  28. btn1_type0_item1.outpic    = "image\Driver2k_out.png"
  29. btn1_type0_item1.link      = "TL-WN310G\Win2000_XP\Setup.exe"
  30. btn1_type0_item2.inpic     = "image\UserManual_in.png"
  31. btn1_type0_item2.outpic    = "image\UserManual_out.png"
  32. btn1_type0_item2.link      = "TL-WN310G\TL-WN310G User Guide.pdf"
  34. btn1_type1.pos             = POINT(303, 5)
  35. btn1_type1.outpic          = "image\TL-WN350G.png"
  36. btn1_type1_item.pos        = POINT(306,137)
  37. btn1_type1_item.num        = 3
  38. btn1_type1_item0.inpic     = "image\Drivervt_in.png"
  39. btn1_type1_item0.outpic    = "image\Drivervt_out.png"
  40. btn1_type1_item0.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\Vista\Setup.exe"
  41. btn1_type1_item1.inpic     = "image\Driver2k_in.png"
  42. btn1_type1_item1.outpic    = "image\Driver2k_out.png"
  43. btn1_type1_item1.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\Win2000_XP\Setup.exe"
  44. btn1_type1_item2.inpic     = "image\UserManual_in.png"
  45. btn1_type1_item2.outpic    = "image\UserManual_out.png"
  46. btn1_type1_item2.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\TL-WN350G_350GD User Guide.pdf"
  48. btn1_type2.pos             = POINT(517, 5)
  49. btn1_type2.outpic          = "image\TL-WN353G.png"
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  53. btn1_type2_item0.outpic    = "image\Driver_out.PNG"
  54. btn1_type2_item0.link      = "TL-WN353G\Setup\Setup.exe"
  55. btn1_type2_item1.inpic     = "image\UserManual_in.png"
  56. btn1_type2_item1.outpic    = "image\UserManual_out.png"
  57. btn1_type2_item1.link      = "TL-WN353G\TL-WN353G User Guide.pdf"
  59. btn1_type3.pos             = POINT(89, 144)
  60. btn1_type3.outpic          = "image\TL-WN360G.png"
  61. btn1_type3_item.pos        = POINT(92, 276)
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  63. btn1_type3_item0.inpic     = "image\Drivervt_in.png"
  64. btn1_type3_item0.outpic    = "image\Drivervt_out.png"
  65. btn1_type3_item0.link      = "TL-WN360G\Vista\Setup.exe"
  66. btn1_type3_item1.inpic     = "image\Driver2k_in.png"
  67. btn1_type3_item1.outpic    = "image\Driver2k_out.png"
  68. btn1_type3_item1.link      = "TL-WN360G\Win2000_XP\Setup.exe"
  71. btn1_type4.pos             = POINT(303,144)
  72. btn1_type4.outpic          = "image\TL-WN350GD.png"
  73. btn1_type4_item.pos        = POINT(306,276)
  74. btn1_type4_item.num        = 3
  75. btn1_type4_item0.inpic     = "image\Drivervt_in.png"
  76. btn1_type4_item0.outpic    = "image\Drivervt_out.png"
  77. btn1_type4_item0.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\Vista\Setup.exe"
  78. btn1_type4_item1.inpic     = "image\Driver2k_in.png"
  79. btn1_type4_item1.outpic    = "image\Driver2k_out.png"
  80. btn1_type4_item1.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\Win2000_XP\Setup.exe"
  81. btn1_type4_item2.inpic     = "image\UserManual_in.png"
  82. btn1_type4_item2.outpic    = "image\UserManual_out.png"
  83. btn1_type4_item2.link      = "TL-WN350G_WN350GD\TL-WN350G_350GD User Guide.pdf"
  85. btn1_type5.pos             = POINT(517, 144)
  86. btn1_type5.outpic          = "image\TL-WN353GD.png"
  87. btn1_type5_item.pos        = POINT(520,276)
  88. btn1_type5_item.num        = 2
  89. btn1_type5_item0.inpic     = "image\Driver_in.png"
  90. btn1_type5_item0.outpic    = "image\Driver_out.png"
  91. btn1_type5_item0.link      = "TL-WN353GD\Setup\Setup.exe"
  92. btn1_type5_item1.inpic     = "image\UserManual_in.png"
  93. btn1_type5_item1.outpic    = "image\UserManual_out.png"
  94. btn1_type5_item1.link      = "TL-WN353GD\TL-WN353GD User Guide.pdf"
  95. [FRM_BOTTOM]
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  105. externbtn.link             = ".\"
  106. [ERRORTIP]
  107. error0                        = "You have enabled an Autorun program!"
  108. error1                     = "Fail to open the file! The Adobe Reader may not be installed or the file could not be found."   
  109. error2                     = "Fail to run the program! The program may not be found."
  110. error3                       = "Can't find the file or the Directory!"
  111. error4                     = "Are you sure you want to quit?"
  112. [MessageBox]
  113. msgboxbkg.pic              = "image\tp_msg_box.png"
  114. tip.pos                    = POINT(26, 95)
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